Survive and Thrive
All the info you need to make your time in the CD program as best as it can be. Come here for info on reviews, emergency contacts, and tips to get you
through it all.
DS9 Story: The DS9 is ours!
Get to know the story behind the DS9
Reviews Checklist
A short-n-sweet list of all the things you’ll need to prepare your table for reviews.
Give and Take: A Guide to Design School Critiques
This short guide can help you to better learn and work with your fellow classmates.
Studio Tips
What you should bring with you to make the most of your time in the studio.
If you aren’t living close to campus, the first thing you need to do is figure out how you’re going to get to your classes.
Tips for Reviews
Reviews can be a litte…terrible. Here’s a guide to help make sure you have everything you need to get through it.
Handling Burnout
Everyone has a limit – here’s what you can do when you reach yours.
Degree Project Advice
Explore unique degree project ideas and thoughtful advice from previous students.
Senior Reviews: Q & A
Your questions about Senior Reviews answered
Junior Reviews
Everything you need to know for (online) Junior Reviews
Sophomore Reviews Online
Essential things you need to know to be prepared for your first final review online.
Emergency Contacts
CD Chair
- Contact: Joe Quackenbush
- Email: jquackenbush@massart.edu
- Phone: 617-879-7682
- Location: Tower 33B
Studio Manager
- Contact: Luanne Witkowski
- Email: lwitkowski@massart.edu
- Phone: 617-879-7760
- Location: Tower 911
Dean of Students
- Contact: Jamie Costello
- Email: jamie.costello@massart.edu
- Phone: 617-879-7703
- Location: Kennedy 230
Counseling and Wellness
- Email: counseling@massart.edu
- Phone: 617-879-7760
- Location: 2nd Floor Kennedy
Public Safety
- Email: dwayne.farley@massart.edu
- Phone: 617-879-7800
- Location: Tower 200
Financial Aid
- Email: ajenkinson@massart.edu
- Phone: 617-879-7846
- Location: Tower 805