Give and Take: A Guide to Design School Critiques

Your crash course on the etiquette of critiques

Written by Ciaran Crawley
Class of 2021

Design critiques can be one of the most stressful parts of the beginning of your design journey. We’ve all seen movies where artists get torn apart by a snobby professor. And sometimes it can be scary to be in what seems to be direct competition with your peers. When I started at MassArt, I wish I knew how to best take and give crits, and it’s something I learned over the years. Design critique is really meant to help you learn and grow as a designer, so this short guide can help you to better learn and work with your fellow classmates. 

TLDR; Be prepared, it’s nothing personal, everyone is different, be nice, and sharing is caring.


Taking Criticism

Be prepared

Nothing personal, kid

Everyone is different

Giving Criticism 

Be nice

Sharing is caring
