Reviews Checklist

Just a collection of all the shit you’ll need in one place

Reviews are stressful—you know it, I know it, your professors once knew about it but they’ve fully transitioned from student to teacher, so, yeah. From recent students who endured these wonderful events, here’s a list you can reference to make sure you haven’t forgotten anything during your fourth all-nighter in the studio. Now take the time you would’ve spent making this list to shower ffs.

The Short List

  1. 16 yards of black felt
    (Amazon, Joann Fabrics, Blick, or buy from upperclassmen)
  2. Project labels: Title, class, project
    (print and mount on artboard/foam core, glue push pin to the back and hang next to projects)
  3. Process binders for each class or process books for all your projects
  4. Staple gun
    (to hang your felt)
  5. Pushpins
    (clear ones, you want them all to match)
  6. Scissors
    (in case you need to cut your felt, fabric shears are your best case scenario)
  7. Glue gun
    (to attach pushpins to labels)

For a more in-depth look at what to expect for reviews, head over to the Tips for Reviews post