About this Project

How can we use design to make resources accessible to Communication Design students in order to improve their academic experience?

This website is the product of the degree project of Janina Yutkins-Kennedy and Alyssa Donovan (2o20). With the impact of Covid-19, the idea was to create a library of design resources that students could access at anytime and anywhere.

As students who had lived through the program and all that entailed (projects, crafting, networking, commuting, interning, etc), we knew there was a clear break between the resources that were available and the resources that were commonly known. So, instead of waiting until your senior year to gather all this info, we combined all the knowledge we and our peers had collected over the years and put it in one place for you. But it doesn’t stop there. As design is constantly evolving, so too are the resources around it. So, this site was designed to be continually built upon and passed down year to year by you, the students. We hope that this site will help you all become the best designers you can be. Even though its stressful and exhausting, we can tell you it’ll all be worth it in the end.

This project could not be done without the generous help of: Boyi Wong (2020), Cara Tarmey (2020), Michael Konstansky (2020), Kenny Truong (2020), Ciaran Crawley (2020), Martha Rettig, Fish McGill, and Yvette Perullo. Thank you.

Original degree site trailer