Learn What You Can Do With A Communication Design Degree
So you’re studying Communication Design……good choice! A Communication Design degree offers a wide variety of exciting career paths. Across industries, graphic designers are needed to create visual solutions that express information, ideas and messages. With such a large variety of applications available, it can be both exciting and overwhelming when thinking about what work you want to pursue after graduation. We’ve compiled some information here to help you learn about what kind of design jobs are out there, and how you may want to put your degree to use in the future.
The Design Practices
During our time as students in the Communication Design Department, we are tasked with creating a wide range of projects in our classes. From posters, to app interfaces, to packaging design, we are exposed to it all. Some projects you may love, while others may not be your cup of tea. This is all part of the process of discovering what kind of work you enjoy, and potentially figuring out what you may want to pursue after graduation.
There is a lot out there to try out, so we have compiled a list of types of design work that students and professionals may come across during their time in school and in the professional design field. You have probably tried many of these already!
- Advertising Design
- Book Design
- Brand Design
- Design Management
- Design Research
- Environmental Signage and Way Finding
- Experience Design (UX)
- Exhibition and Display Design
- Film and Video Graphics
- Game Design
- Identity Design
- Illustration
- Information Design
- Interaction Design (IX)
- Interface Design (UI)
- Multimedia Design
- Package Design
- Publication Design
- Service Design
- Software Design
- Strategic Design
- Type Design
- Visual Design
- Web Design

Where Are These Jobs?
As varied as the types of design work, are the settings in which designers may work. It is very likely that you will work in multiple settings throughout your career. Listed below are several types of companies and organizations where graphic designers are putting their skills to practice.
In – House Designer
This could be for a business, corporation or non-profit.
Design Consultancy
A team of designers creating work for clients. Can range in size from just a few people on the team, to large groups.
Designer for an Institution
Institutions such as museums, colleges, and government utilize graphic designers to communicate their values and programs.
Advertising Agencies
Graphic designers visualize commercial messages that are used to promote something. Collaborate with other marketing professionals.
Publishing Industry
Both printed and online publications. Designers are employed to assist in the creation of books, magazines and newspapers.
Entertainment Industry
Designers may create graphics for for television, film and computer games.
Freelance Work
Independent work where designers can choose the projects and clients they work with.